I liked it a lot!
I have to admit that right now I don't have the chance to listen to this on a decent audio equipment, but for my limited Dell speakers the mix seems pretty enjoyable.
Maybe the only detail I would like to point out is the filter on the voice at 1:03. To me it feels a little too sudden. Personally I'd suggest automating the filter to make it swipe or maybe a fade or a swoosh effect (? I don't know, something that softens the effect but without taking out the surprise element. This is still a demo so this kind of stuff is to be expected, of course. I guess what I'm trying to say is that to me this sounds better than the average demo.
Other than that I love everything else. The vocals are very nice and in the right place, the chorus is catchy and the overall heavy atmosphere is what I would expect from this style of music.
Lovely track <3 I've listened to it at least 5 times in a row now.